We use a personalized approach to nutrition to address the whole person, not a set formula that applies to everyone the same. Beginning with a detailed health history and symptom list, we then do several in house tests, which measure various aspects of health. After several weeks following recommendations, these tests are repeated to measure improvement. Symptoms we have helped include diabetes, weight management, low thyroid, digestive disorders, arthritis, skin disorders, fibromyalgia, anxiety and much more.

We use one or all of the following to educate and personalize the program.

Bio-Impedence Scale which measures weight, body fat percentage, skeletal muscle percentage, BMI and biological age
Applied kinesiology to test for environmental and food sensitivities
Nutrition Response Testing™, a modality to assess and prioritize the organs, endocrines and body parts that need support.
Blood Pressure and adaptability to standing
Meta-Oxy which measures the health of the cell
Heart Rate Variability which measures overall fitness level and ability to handle stress

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is based on the principle that in optimal health, the organs (viscera) and muscles, membranes, fascia and bones remain stable despite the body’s motion. When one organ can’t move in harmony with its neighbors due to abnormal tone, adhesions or displacement, it creates fixed abnormal points of tension around which the body is forced to move. This chronic irritation is a pathway to disease and dysfunction. The therapist finds and releases these points of fixation and restores motion.

Total Body Modification

Total Body Modification is the correction of body functions including structure, physiology, emotions and sensitivities to environment and food.

Mechanical Link

Mechanical Link is a gentle form of osteopathy that encourages the balance of tensions in the fascial system, a complex web of tissue that interconnects and affects all body systems. Think of the fascial network as a spider web. Imagine what happens if one area of the web is pinched; the whole web becomes distorted. The body compensates for physiologic or traumatic stress in the same way, creating pattern of lesions that affect the whole body.

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is a very gentle massage that releases or redirects blocked lymph. Blockages can cause headaches, fibrocystic breasts, swollen legs and ankles, pain and heaviness in body parts and weakened immune function.

Feldenkrais Method

Feldenkrais Method is movement re-education that uses gentle touch and guided exercise to release habits of misuse or non-use of the body. Traumatic brain injured, stroke victims, performers of music and athletes all benefit from these lessons as do developmentally delayed infants and children.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy works through the craniosacral system, the membranes and cerebral spinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. When you suffer an injury or illness that causes a disruption anywhere in the body, the motion of the cerebral spinal fluid becomes abnormal and can cause dysfunction anywhere in the body. The therapist releases restrictions in the CS system to improve the function of the central nervous system. Symptoms helped by CST include migraine headaches, chronic neck and back pain, autism and more.

Biovalent Systems Manual Therapy

Biovalent Systems Manual Therapy is a gentle form of hands-on therapy to assist your body to achieve balance and restore health. When your self-corrective process gets overwhelmed by excess physical and emotional stress, BVS makes use of energetic forms to change tensions in the body.