The Energy Footbath is a water bath with negatively charged ions that attract positive ions produced by your body in its toxic state. Positively charged ions carry “waste” including bacteria, heavy metals, viruses and other waste matter into the low current electrically charged water. Some individuals do not eliminate toxins easily and need assistance in this process. The footbath helps with the elimination of a number of toxins, that may either remain in the body or come out as eczema, psoriasis, acne or boils. As these toxins come out in the water, and most people see a drastic color change which begins almost immediately during the bath. While it is common to have little to no reaction, some clients do feel a slight tingling.

Regular treatments can result in:

• Decrease in depression
• General pain relief
• Mental clarity
• Clearer skin
• Increased energy
• Reduced sleep disorder

One session takes 40 min.  To book a session click here