Liza Cheuk May Chan, attorney – Client Feedback

The following is a series of emails from one distance session of Body Talk by phone to Michigan.

In retrospect, the session with you was, as you must know already, very powerful. The effects, unfortunately, were “muddled” somewhat by two factors. First, my body and my legs were still reeling from the ill-advised discontinuance of a medication that controlled spasms in my legs. I had resumed the medication a week before our session, but I had not yet been able to achieve the same drug efficacy before the discontinuance.

Second, the weekly acupuncture session I had been having, the last of which was actually on the morning of the same day we had our session, were doing more harm
than good. If fact, it was that last session that I realized the acupuncture was making my legs “seize up” and greatly increasing spasticity. The adverse effects from the acupuncture last Monday were so severe that it was difficult for me to tell right away the effects of our session.

Still, by last Tuesday/Wednesday, I was able to discern some very interesting effects. The areas where you had “tapped out” (my sacrum, thyroid/throat, and chest/heart) feel much “lighter” now. It’s a very strange—but definitely good—feeling, literally as if I had unleaded heavy burdens. The”tension” with my birth place—Hong Kong—that you tapped out also helped my psyche. And, more importantly, whatever you did to help my brain communicate with my legs (or the nerves of my legs) is working; I can feel that my head is trying very hard to get through to my legs, and there have been profound changes in my leg function the past few days. It’s as if “it” is trying very hard to communicate…maybe that’s why my migraine headaches have been so severe the past few days.

I view all this as a favorable “healing crisis,” with my body, mind and spirit needing more time (and rest) to assimilate the healing. I forgot to tell you that I had a lot of releasing last Tuesday and Wednesday after our session, or at least what I interpreted as releasing. I kept breaking out in cold sweat, but I did not have chills, just kept perspiring. That stopped after two days. It’s definitely “good releasing.”

Looking back on the week since our session last Monday, and as I was recounting the confluence of events to Judy this morning, there is no doubt that our session has also given me incredible Clarity of mind. I am pretty smart, but I am not that brilliant, coming up with one brilliant idea after another this past week, all pertaining to my recovery and healing. I’ve had numerous “revelations” (“epiphany” or “Eureka moments”) dawning on me as to why I was having pain, headaches, insomnia, spasticity, etc., so that I could take appropriate remedial actions. Moreover, brilliant (here’s that adjective again) ideas kept manifesting, or I was so much better aligned with the Universe, that I was able to, with blissful ease, make the various necessary arrangements (and those could be quite complicated for a paraplegic like myself) for a healing trip to Scottsdale at the end of this month.

– Liza Cheuk May Chan, attorney